Saturday, November 17, 2012

Russia is just like Minnesota, except not.

After living in Russia, there are certain things that have become normal to me. I recently started to take note of these things which, back home, seem absurd and/or unhygienic. Here, it's just another part of my life. So, here are a list of things that are COMPLETELY normal in Russia.

1. Synchronized clapping during applause (see video above)
2. Drinking hot tea/coffee out of flimsy, disposable plastic cups.
3. Ordering food that was prepared hours ago, and has been sitting on a shelf getting cold (don't worry, they microwave it when you buy it. Inside of a plastic bag, if possible.)
4. I've mentioned this before, but: Rhinestones. Everywhere. (I think I could make millions here if I had only thought to bring a bedazzler.)
5. Asking at restaurants if they actually have a certain item listed on their menu (because sometimes they are out of almost everything).
6. Showing up 15 minutes late for class (as a teacher).
--- 6a. Texting your teacher to find out what room you have class in, because you never know until 5min. before the class begins.
--- 6b. Finding a certain number of chairs in your classroom to be broken, but sitting on them anyway
7. Wearing the exact same outfit multiple days in a row
8. Loud music in restaurants, combined with large flat-screen TVs playing music videos/cartoons on mute (never to the music that is playing, just random stations. You end up watching Beyonce or loops of Family Guy while listening to K-pop)
9. Assigned seating in near-empty Movie Theaters
10. Purple and green french-tipped nails with butterflies and glitter (and all other ridiculous combinations of nail-art).

There you have it. None of these things seem strange to me, and I myself am guilty of participating in almost every single one of them. Except the last one... Now way, Jose.


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