Hello all! I'm writing this post from the tiny little netbook which is replacinge my giant laptop and accompanying me abroad this time around. Here's to my Acer Extensa, the greatest of all laptop computers, for serving me faithfully over the past five years. I'll miss you, but it's time to move on (and save space.)
I've been spending the summer buying plane tickets, filling out paperwork, and getting my life ready to fit inside a suitcase once again. I'm finally done, with the exception of student loan deferment forms, which I may or may not do. My list of new travel accessories include:
- My third Russian visa (thanks, Aram)
- More money than I've ever had sitting in my bank account (thanks, Fulbright)
- This baby computer (thanks, Mom)
- An old iPhone as a portable WiFi device (thanks, Elle)
- A Kindle to replace all of my books (thanks, Amazon)
- A new external hard drive for all my photos and music (thanks, Dad-o)
...and a snazzy suitcase to put it all in. Good-bye, old blue suitcase with your wire framing sticking out the sides, your busted plastic handle, and terribly muddy crooked wheels. I also have my final itinerary for my trip, which involves a lot of layovers and a three-week diversion in Turkey before I start working... not too shabby. So, heres the rundown:
8/27-28: Minneapolis > Chicago > London > Istanbul. Commence three weeks of extended summer.
9/21: Istanbul > Riga > Moscow. Here I have a week of in-country orientation and meet other Fulbrighters.
9/27: Moscow > Irkutsk. Now I get to move into the University and figure out what my job will entail.
Can't wait to get started... but I have a fabulous week left in Minnesota which includes the MN Renaissance festival, a metal concert, a fancy good-bye dinner, lots of running, yoga, coffee, and... rabies vaccinations.
Love to all,
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